How To Get Into Engineering

At this time in our lives we feel like the decision of what to do as a career is the hardest we can make. If you are being pulled in every which way and told a different thing every day, it’s no wonder you have no idea what to do with your life.

If you do have an idea of what you want to do in life: specifically engineering, there are a few things you will need to know.

First of all, engineering is a line of work which involves a larger amount of both science and maths. It is a type of career which requires a lot of skill in analytics, the ability to problem solve and a good eye for detail. Engineers are at the core of our society and they are the people who create machines, calculate how planes can fly and invent amazing technology for us to use. If you want to become an engineer you will have to study hard and you’ll be able to diversify into many different areas of work.

There are five main areas of engineering which you can get into:

What qualities do you need?

If you want to get yourself into the world of engineering you need to possess certain qualities and be able to learn quickly. You will need to have a strong love for science and an aptitude for maths as engineering will include a lot of heavy calculations and theories. You will need to be very analytical, creative and be great at working in a team. Engineering is a job for people who love to solve problems and create something new, and it is amazing for people who love to be challenged mentally.


Engineering isn’t a job which you could simply walk into straight from school and learn as you go: it requires a huge amount of in depth learning over a period of a few years. An engineering mba will give you the basic understanding of engineering and allow you to go on a specialise in whatever field you want.

Do you need a licence?

When you come to be qualified as an engineer, you will require a licence from the Professional Engineers in order to practice your trade in the real world. The reason for this is simply that engineering is a job which holds a huge amount of responsibility and danger if in the wrong hands. You will be put in charge of a lot of equipment which you need to be qualified to use otherwise you could risk hurting yourself and others.

In short, engineering is an amazing career opportunity which can let you branch out into some amazing different areas and will challenge you throughout your life. Engineering is a rewarding career for anyone who loves to be mentally challenged and will make a huge difference to your life. It can be the best career choice you make and will be lucrative throughout your lifetime too.

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