Downsizing, Not Downgrading! Moving Into Smaller Student Accommodation

Being a student is full of those pesky annoying instances in life from time to time, from your housemate not doing the dishes, all the way up to the more pressing matters, such as settling debt, and finding somewhere to live. Finding somewhere to live in fact, is sometimes quite stressful, especially if you’ve got to move in the middle of a semester. This sometimes means that you will settle for any accommodation you can get, and sometimes this does mean that it’s not the most spacious of spaces. So, when it comes to moving into smaller accommodation, what’s the best way to get by?

What If I’ve Got Loads Of Stuff?

This is usually the biggest problem in moving into a smaller space. We have lots of stuff that we don’t know what to do with. Your options are twofold. You can either look at reducing the amount of clutter you have, and do a proper clear-out, or you can look at putting items into storage. Depending on where you are in the world, there is various storage near you from Bekins Moving Solutions if you are studying in San Diego, but, this is just one option of many. Have a look at the various storage options and see what suits you. And if you decide to declutter, you might realize how much you actually had in the first place! If you’re moving to a particularly small accommodation space, it’s vital that you can get yourself down to the bare minimum of stuff.

Is It Going To Be Stressful?

Cast your mind back to living in a small dorm, and if you shared with someone else, because this is the very definition of hell for some people. But to offset this, if you’re trying to to minimize the amount of stress, at least take the time out to see what your options are as far as accommodation is concerned. If you need your space, then don’t settle for a shared room. This is only going to stress you out more in the long term.

How Can I Make The Most Of It?

Sometimes, a limitation of space means that you have got to be a bit more creative with what you’ve got. Sure, if you live a frugal lifestyle, you don’t need much, so your laptop, and your bed, as well as your Netflix subscription may be all you need. Living in a small space can force you to get out a bit more, which can be a good thing, but also, to make your room appear a bit bigger requires a few simple tracks. You can hang mirrors around to reflect light back into the space, but if you can also take the opportunity to pay the room, by giving it some lighter color, this will help too.

Moving into a small space during college can be a bit constricting, but, you can use it to your advantage. A small space doesn’t have to inhibit your creativity, but rather, moving into a smaller space can force you to be a bit more creative in how you enjoy the place. And besides, when you’ve got your study materials closer to hand in a smaller room, it’s going to make life a bit more convenient in every aspect.

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