Why Vape Mods?
Modding is an increasingly popular activity in the vaping community, and it has gained so much traction that even casual e-cigarette users have probably had no choice but to take notice.

Though it can refer to many different things, modding generally means making changes to the hardware of an electronic cigarette or its accompanying battery.
The most popular mod involves swapping out the short-lived battery that comes with the electronic cigarette for a new battery that offers a longer and more reliable charge.
The Ins and Outs of Modding
Since many e-cigarettes are not large enough to accommodate the larger battery necessary to achieve an optimal charge, modders often have to get creative when it comes to making a battery housing.
Some options include flashlight cases and free-standing battery boxes. In some cases, a button may also be attached to the battery casing to control power delivery to the cigarette.
Types of Mods
Mods are generally divided into two types: tubes and boxes.
Tubes are cylindrical in shape and follow the existing contours of the e-cigarette, while boxes are hollow and attach to the cigarette at a point along its body. While some mods are basic cases for new batteries, other are more advanced. Electronic mods that attach to the body of the cigarette allow the users to vary the voltage of the cigarette and track how much voltage they are using with each puff.

How to Mod a Cigarette
While there are a number of homemade cigarette mod options available for enterprising modders, those who aren’t as handy may want to start out with commercial mods. These devices can be easily attached to the cigarette by first disassembling it and then putting it back together with the mod in place.
If you can take a cigarette apart to clean it or put in a new vape juice capsule, then you can most likely use one of these mods.
If you don’t want to attempt your first mod yourself, or you’re simply more comfortable leaving it in the hands of the pros, Vapor Grotto offers mods for all types of e-cigarettes.
photo credit: Sub-ohm e-cig kits via photopin (license)
photo credit: Vaping an Electronic Cigarette / E Cig / Vaporizor via photopin (license)