TMI on Facebook: 5 Things People Don’t Want to Know About You

We all know that one person that shares a bit too much about his/her life on Facebook. In fact, with its users spending over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook, it’s not surprising to know people might share a bit too much info with their “friends.”

TMI: Facebook

1. Gag-worthy Relationship Details

While in most cases your friends are happy for your relationship, you can almost always assume they don’t need to (or want to) see pictures of you and your partner making out.

They most definitely don’t want their feed spammed with your status updates proclaiming your love for him/her—updates that could have very well been sent in a private message, text message or email.

What’s the worst form of TMI? The kind that discloses intimate details about your relationship that nobody cares about, including: First kiss, first time you have sex, how great of a kisser your boyfriend/girlfriend is, etc.

OKAY: “Just walked in to a home cooked meal, I have the best boyfriend ever!”

NOT OKAY: “Just spent 3 hours making out with my boyfriend! What a great Friday.”

2. Information about Bodily Functions or Malfunctions

Facebook can provide a support group when people are ill and/or going through major health problems.

A simple “Get well soon” message can provide loads of comfort—especially when it comes from people you would ordinarily think don’t care about you. But sometimes, you CAN share too much.

While sometimes these posts can be funny, many times they’re just gross.

OKAY: “Going into a surgery soon. Yikes :(”

NOT OKAY: “Just spent the past three days with diarrhea from Mexican food! Toilet can barely flush and my room smells” OR “Yikes! My pad leaked and I’m bleeding through my pants! Ugh I hate my period.”

3. Income/GPA

It’s okay to want to share accomplishments like getting into graduate school or getting on the dean’s list on Facebook, but this type of status involves walking a fine line.

Try to avoid disclosing too much detail about your accomplishments—especially if they can make someone feel bad about themselves.

Why? Consider this: Recent studies suggest that Facebook users can get depressed from being active on Facebook by comparing their lives to the ones of their peers. What’s more, sharing too much may make you seem cocky, arrogant and full of yourself.

OKAY: “Got into med school! YAY!”

NOT OKAY: “Guess which bitch will be making $120K a year sans bonus? ME!”

4. Any racist, homophobic or prejudicial view points

Whether we know it or not, some of us may be racist, homophobic and/or prejudicial.

While everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, it’s important not to verbalize them if they can hurt feelings of other people.

Cyber-bullying has become a serious problem on Facebook and can be seen in the form of a status update that is derogatory towards a sexual orientation or a group of people.

Note: It’s probably best to refrain from any controversial Facebook posts AT ALL since many employers take a look status updates and nobody wants to hire someone who is racist/prejudicial!

OKAY: As controversial as this may sound, I still don’t believe gay people should be allowed to be married.

NOT OKAY: Gay people need to rot in hell for trying to be married. Who do they think they are?

5. Sexual Conquests

Sharing information about your sexual conquest is just asking for trouble.

Not only do you send a message to your friends that you can’t keep your mouth shut, you are also putting yourself at risk of seeming immature and adolescent.

If you feel so compelled to dedicate a post to a conquest, keep it vague! Don’t share a name, identifying feature or any information that can embarrass him/her.

Needless to say, revealing someone else’s sexual conquest is off the tables completely; consider the Tyler Clementi case at Rutgers University!

OKAY: Nothing.

NOT OKAY: Finally banged that red head in my psych class! Success!

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