Taylor Swift: Living Out Advice From the Pop Idol

Taylor Swift is well-known for our honest lyrics drawn from her own romantic affairs.

She gained popularity quickly, due to her ability to relate to experiences of the everyday person. With the guidance of her lyrics, it is possible to gain confidence to handle nearly all situations involving love and friendship.

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Taylor Swift

“You’re Not Sorry”: For when you have a broken heart

This song is perfect for when you need to reminisce and cry. Taylor croons about how her love used to “shine so bright, but (she) watched all of it fade.”

When you have lost a love that was treasured, this tune will help you reflect and then gain the strength to move on.

“Hey Stephen”: For when you fall in love again

If you’re  feeling magic with someone, then you can relate to Taylor’s story here. Whether your relationship is new or old, all that matters is that you still have that fresh feeling together.

Listening to “Hey Stephen,” is ideal for when you are getting ready for a date or have just came home from a fantastic night.

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Ant Being Pushed Down

“Mean”: For when people try to push you down

Being criticized unfairly or teased can be difficult, however, if Taylor can get through it, so can you. “Mean” will put things in perspective for you and help you feel self-assured that you can keep going.

There is nothing more inspirational after being told you are not good enough, than to listen to “Mean” which tells you that one day, you will be above it all.

The lyrics of Taylor Swift are great, because they come from a girl who is strong and empowered from her negative encounters.

It should be the goal of others to learn from her lyrics in order to become a good person with a strong will!

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