Join the Club! The Many Ways to Get Involved on Your College Campus

Sometimes you walk around campus feeling like there’s nothing to do, thinking to yourself “my college is so boring, there is never anything to do around here.”

Contrary to what may be popular belief, there are a lot of fun things going on at even the most “boring” of college campuses – you just have to search a little deeper to find them.

Most, if not all, colleges and universities offer clubs, associations, school trips, fraternities/sororities and intramural athletics.

If you’re looking for a way to get involved in your school community, make new friends or have new experiences, joining a club or going on a school trip just might be the right choice for you.

Fraternities & Sororities

If you are new to college (or the Greek scene), you should know that Greek organizations are a great way to not only get involved on campus and with your school, but also a great way to make friends and meet new people.

Adding something like a Greek organization (whether philanthropic, academic or other) is also a great addition to your resume. It shows that you are interested and involved on campus and that you had a lot of different experiences while in college.

If you are looking for a way to get involved, make new friends and add a new facet to your college experience, Greek life may be for you!

Clubs and organizations

Typically, college and universities have a lengthy list of clubs and organizations that you can join. Clubs range from academically oriented organizations like honors societies and study groups to fun and active clubs like archery or ballroom dancing.

Whatever your interest, there is usually a club that will fit the bill. If not, you have the option of starting your own club. It’s important to engage in the activities that most interest you in college because these are the times that are helping you to figure out who you are, what you are good at and what you like to do.

Clubs and organizations will also help you to meet new people and make friends. You will also have an opportunity to network with other professors and faculty members which can also help you when applying for jobs (it never hurts to know multiple people in an industry you want to pursue).

If you are interested in writing, joining the school newspaper will not only help to hone your skills, but will look good on your resume when applying for internships or jobs and you will find out about more internships and jobs if you are around others seeking the same thing (or those who want to help you find it).

Sports and Intramurals

If you are a big sports buff (but not interested in joining the school team due to lack of time or whatever), intramural clubs are a wonderful way to not only get exercise, but meet new people and make a ton of friends.

Joining a team offers you the feeling of belonging to a group and a level of camaraderie that you just won’t find anywhere else. Playing, winning and losing with the team and working your butt off during practice will help you bond and get close to your teammates.

However, joining a club/association or an intramural athletic team usually requires a weekly commitment which you have to be prepared to make when you sign up. If you don’t think you will be able to fit it in your schedule, don’t do it – you waste others time and yours.


If you are looking for a one-time event, you could go to a school dance, trip, or volunteer with your classmates. Whatever you do, go with a good attitude and an open mind. You never know who you might meet and how they might change your life.

You may end up finding more people that you want to hang out with and checking out the clubs or organizations they are interested in. Meet their friends, they can meet yours, it’s all about gaining new skills, experiences and friends!

College is a time of coming out of your comfort zone and exploring your surroundings. If you find yourself clamming up and being a bit anti-social, break out of the monotony and start new friendships and new beginnings. You never know where both will take you.

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