Decode Your Crush: What Their Major Says About Them

Just met someone who you THINK you may like, but don’t really know much about him/her?

It’s time to start decoding your crush one step at a time so you can make an informed decision on whether or not this person is worth your time.

One of the best ways you can decode someone is to take a look at his/her major or plan of study. While this is not true for every person, looking into the interests of another person (particularly their career path) can tell you a lot about them.

1. The Math Major

To put it bluntly, this person is smart. Anyone who can do math problems all day every day is, in my book, smarter than the average person. But keep in mind that being smart does not equal success nor does it equal good character.

A math major is typically a very analytical person. What does this mean in terms of personality?

This person tends to want and need all the facts before making a decision. He/she is all about the details and can be very systematic.

A math major may be great at problem solving, but beware: this person may also be somewhat devoid of emotion or is incapable of creative or “illogical”  thought.

Math is a perfect science so this person may also be a perfectionist. A typical math major will be organized, reserved, probably on the quieter/shy side, and may require some coaxing out of his/her shell.

This analytical type will not be bored with you easily and won’t need a ton of stimulation to be satisfied in a relationship; if you like to stay in, are comfortable with familiarity, and don’t mind being in the driver’s seat, the math major may be right for you!

2. The English Major

If you are crushing on an English major, you have stumbled upon someone who LIKES to write papers and essays. He/she may write for the school newspaper, have a blog, or be into poetry.

This person is a writer, reader, creative thinker, and someone with a great vocabulary. But what is really behind all of the superfluous language and big ideas?

English majors tend to be creative, expressive, artistic and emotional. But they can also be overly sensitive, scatter-brained, and unorganized. They can feel stifled by rules and conformity and will do anything to avoid the two.

You may begin to notice his/her inability to finish tasks: some writers are the biggest procrastinators you will ever meet. Because writers often need to “feel it” in order to get a task done, they are able to start many things, but only finish a select few.

While these types tend to be stubborn and can be reclusive, they can also be incredibly loving and supportive in a relationship and expose you to many different creative ideas that can be exciting as well as entertaining.

If you enjoy reading or writing, can hold an intelligent conversation, and are looking for someone who is a great communicator, the English major may be for you!

3. The Science Major

Welcome to the curious, Darwin-type that is the science/biology major. The science major is smart, committed and has a real appreciation for life and the small things in it.

This person is not only willing to learn and grow, but is constantly looking to evolve and improve. You can bet you have a hard-worker on your hands and someone who is very dedicated to their education and probably working toward grad or med school.

The science major will be forthright and honest, but can be a perfectionist and a little “too much” into his/her studies. If you are looking for someone with a lot of time on their hands, the science major is not for you; you can bet he/she will always choose studying for the big exam over hanging out with you.

These types of majors can also be independent and reclusive, especially when they are heavily involved in something related to their studies or learning. This person is flexible especially when it comes to changing his/her mind, but only when the facts support such a change.

If you want a partner who is enthusiastic, flexible/willing to adapt, and is passionate/dedicated in all aspects of life, the science/biology major is definitely for you!

4. The Business Major

Say hello to the charismatic, smooth-talking, persuasive business major. You may be attracted to the way he/she handles the class, his/her witty personality or perhaps you are drawn to his/her drive for success.

Do not be surprised if you turn this person down and he/she continues to pursue you; the business major is persistent and tenacious, so a rejection may not thwart his or her advances.

The business major is typically confident, poised and has an answer for everything. This person tends to exude an energetic aura and may be well-liked by others. Of course, this person may also come off as all-knowing, arrogant and argumentative to some.

A typical business major loves people, loves to talk, and loves power/success. They can be competitive and may always be striving for something better. You may tire of his/her stubborn personality and assertive nature and while this type is known to be agreeable in business settings, he/she may also crave the “win,” whether it is a card game or an argument.

This person may also crave social status and material goods, but that may not necessarily be a bad thing. This person has a plan and not only knows how to execute it, but will follow through as well.

If you are looking for someone dominant, successful, driven, an all around people-person, and someone who is more action than talk, the business major would be the right choice for you!

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