There are plenty of studies out there that can prove, for the most part, that college graduates earn more than high school graduates.
That makes sense, right?
So you spend you’re high school career busting your hump to get good grades, slaving over the SAT’s and stuffing your resume with every club your school has to offer.
But you’re in college now.
Can you ride on cruise control from here until graduation? Or does the cycle of busting your hump repeat itself all over again?

What Really Matters
Maintaining your grade point average (GPA) is very vital while you’re in college. Ignoring your academic obligations can cause your financial aid to decrease or end in the removal of scholarships. You can also be placed under academic probation or worse, kicked out of school.
Grades often hold a lot of weight if you plan on attending graduate school. Especially more prestigious schools.
The Realities of the “Real World”
Employers often look for someone with skills and experience. Internships and jobs are factors that show future employers that you are capable of upholding “real life” responsibilities and that you have knowledge in your area of study. It also shows, that while in college, you took initiative to go out and find experience in your industry of choice.
BUT (yes, there is a “but”)
This doesn’t mean that you should neglect your studies. Based on the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), hiring businesses’ state that they do screen applicants based on their GPA, and many confess that their cutoff is at 3.0.
Leaving Your GPA Off Your Resume
Maybe that’s not such a good idea. You might end up doing more harm than good. Often times, employers assume that if it’s not on your resume, it’s probably below a 3.0. However, if your GPA does fall a bit, fret not, for where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Some graduate schools and employers place emphasis on your junior and senior year because they understand that sometimes students have a rough first couple of years transitioning into college.
If your major GPA is above a 3.0 but your overall GPA isn’t, you can place your major GPA on your resume instead.
In the end, you don’t have to be Einstein. Even mediocre students land dream jobs. Work hard, persevere and prosper.