Finals are a crucial part of any college students life. It’s the one exam that can destroy all the work you did throughout the semester, but it could also raise your grade a whole letter grade or more.
Make sure you’re ready for your finals by following these 5 principles:
1. Eliminate Distractions
Do whatever it takes to eliminate all your distractions. Deactivate your Facebook, unplug your TV and ask your friends not to talk to you for the number of days you’ll need to study.
If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend then tell them to back off temporarily.
Is there a hot girl living next door to you? Study in the library. Cute guy suddenly texting you? Send him a diplomatic text that you’re swamped with finals and you’ll get back to him later.
2. Remove all hurdles/responsibilities
Pay your bills, fill out your forms and make sure any obstacle is out of your way.
Make sure you know when you’ll do your laundry and if you have no intention to do your laundry, then make sure you have clean clothes for the time being!
Don’t save anything for finals week. It’s surprising how little things can build up and make you burst when you feel overwhelmed.
3. Stock Up!
I always saw finals prep as pretending like I’m stuck in the middle of a two week tornado.
What would you do if you knew there was a tornado coming? You stock up on food and drinks.
Make sure you don’t have to make a “grocery run” using your precious study time! Always have healthy, but delicious, snacks on board.
Other good foods to keep on hand? Coffee, tea, red bull, and any other aid that helps you stay awake and focused.
4. Make a List!
BEFORE your finals, make a list on what needs to be accomplished in order of importance. Then plan out how to accomplish it all in time!
The more detailed your plan, the more successful your finals prep will be. For instance, plan out everything down to when you’ll shower (if you’ll shower) and when you can take a break. Coordinate your break sessions with your friends, if you feel so compelled.
Tip: Save the breaks for the end of the day so that you don’t waste time during your most awake and active hours: the morning or middle of the day.
Don’t forget to get all of your books back from friends who may have borrowed them or if someone let you borrow theirs, it may be time to buy your own copy! Need books fast? Check out & save on all your textbooks!
5. Emergency Contacts
It’s insane how you can come up with last minute questions before an exam.
Ask all your professors (and TA’s) if you have their permission to contact them with a question via email.
Email is better since you don’t have to waste time coordinating with them. Also get a reliable classmates contact information in case you have a question that he/she can answer!