Wellness Boosts for a Happier 2020

How has 2019 gone for you? Are you happy? Did you have a good year? Did you hit your targets or stick to resolutions? For most of us, even if we’ve had a great year, there are things that we’d like to have done better, or that we wish we could change. You might be hoping for a happier, and perhaps healthier 2020.

Practicing wellness is a great way to become happier. Wellness can help you to look after yourself. To put yourself first, and to make your mental health and happiness a priority. This might sound easy, but it’s something that many of us struggle with. Here are some of the things that you can do to boost your happiness in 2020.

Set Some Big Goals

Some of the changes that you can make are small. But others aren’t. It all depends on you and your lifestyle. Ask yourself if anything is holding you back, affecting your health, or making you unhappy. Should you quit smoking, or look at a womens drug rehab center? Do you need to exercise more, or focus on achieving a healthy weight? Set yourself big goals now to give your New Year focus.

Make Some Promises

How often do you see your friends and family? When we’re young, our friends are everything, but then over time, life starts to get in the way. You might find that as more of your friends have settled down, and maybe had children, you’ve started to see each other less.

Seeing your friends more, and spending time with people that lift you up, boost your confidence, and fill you with positivity, is one of the best things that you can do for your happiness.

So, before the New Year arrives, start making some promises. Promise to see your friends once a week, even for a quick coffee or lunch. You might even want to book some events to help you to follow through with your promises.

Drink More Water

Drinking water is excellent for your health and wellbeing. It helps you to maintain a healthy weight and keeps your organs working their best. Water keeps your skin clear and healthy and helps to prevent breakouts and black bags. Water can help you to sleep and reduce inflammation. Buy yourself a water bottle and commit to finishing it every day.

Commit to a Digital Detox

A digital detox or at least a good cut back on your mobile usage can be another big help. The internet is useful, but it can add to our stress and can mean that we fail to enjoy the real world and our relationships in it.

If you work online, a detox might not be possible, but try to have entire days off, or at least leave your phone in another room when you clock off for the day.

Live Mindfully

Living mindfully is all about knowing your body and mind and thinking about what you do. Don’t eat anything without thinking about how it might affect you, or knowing exactly what you are putting into your body. Think about the effects of everything that you do and try to be more thoughtful.

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