If you are part of an organization at your college, you probably know how important your club’s budget is. Your organization can only thrive if you have enough money in the budget to have events and other fun gatherings. When the money dries up, students in your club may feel the pressure of having to contribute to the rising costs of different expenses. A better idea is to look into creative fundraising ideas. Here are seven ways to raise money for your organization.
1. Crowdfunding Campaign
Fundraising can be a labor-intensive job that requires lots of hours of planning, organizing, and implementation. You and your club members may have a lot on your plate as students, such as full class schedules, a part-time job, and more. To make raising money easier, consider doing an online crowdfunding campaign that gives you the power to collect cash virtually. Today crowdfunding is an easy and convenient way to help your club reach its financial goals.
2. Silent Auction
If you prefer launching a fundraising venture that is more interactive, try going with a fun and simple idea, a silent auction. You’ll need to start by reaching out to local businesses for items your organization could auction off, such as gift cards, fruit baskets, tickets, and anything else valuable. Once you get these donations, then you must set up the time and location of your auction. For a college organization, you could reserve a meeting room in your student activity center and invite the local student population to check out items and submit bids in writing.
3. Bake Sale
A bake sale can be another easy way to raise cash quickly for your club in one afternoon. Luckily, there are plenty of potential customers for your baked goods right on your campus. Simply set up a table and bring in a variety of homemade items, such as brownies, cupcakes, and cookies. Set prices for your selection of sweets and instantly make money.
4. Raffle Giveaway
Raffles can also be successful fundraising events. Your organization should start by choosing a big-ticket item to give away, such as a television, computer, or weekend getaway. If you can approach a business to donate the prize, you can save more money and end up with more cash. Sometimes, it may make more sense for your organization to purchase the item to begin with. Then, recruit club members to canvas the local area and sell raffle tickets for a chance to win the big prize.
5. Spirit Wear
Selling spirit wear is another great way to raise money for your organization’s needs. End Zone Athletics works with organizations to design fun items that help students and faculty show off their school spirit. You’ll need to pick out the items you want to use for your campaign, such as shirts, key chains, banners, water bottles, and more. End Zone Athletics Inc can help your club customize items for your school or organization.
6. Online Shopping Links
If your club members are short on time but want to make money, try linking up with an online shopping portal to get a quick injection of fundraising cash. You can create a link to popular online shopping retailers from your club’s website to help raise money. Anyone who uses your link gives you a percentage of sales from a purchase.
7. Bingo or Game Night
The last idea for a fundraising event is a bingo or game night. This can be a fun way to connect with other students on your campus. Organize an event that brings players together and consider investing in a big-ticket item for a prize to the top scorer of the night.
Fundraising doesn’t have to be too complicated or time-consuming. Check out these easy and fun options to raise money quickly.