Once you have applied for university you face an anxious wait wondering whether you have got in or not. However, for some, finding out their fate does not mean the whole process ends there. Many people face the possibility of an interview prior to their university admission.
If you have an interview it is generally because of one of two reasons. The first reason is that the university has had an influx of applicants and they are impressed by so many they find it impossible to whittle it down merely through the use of exam grades and a personal statement. Thus, they feel it is necessary to invite the majority of candidates to participate in an interview to further help them make their decision. Through meeting an individual you can generally get a feel if they are right for the university.
The second reason you may asked for an interview is that the university likes what they have read about you but do not feel they know enough and so they are slightly skeptical. Therefore, they ask you to have an interview in order for them to learn more about you as the information you provided may not be adequate enough, but it was still good enough not to disregard entirely. They want to know why you’re interested in studying primary school education, for example, or they may simply want to get a feel for who you are as a person and whether you would be a good fit.
Common mistakes to avoid whilst doing a college admissions interview
A college admissions interview can be one of the most important days of your life and it is essential that you impress to ensure that you give yourself a good chance of getting into the college of your dreams.
During the interview process, there are often a lot of common mistakes that individuals make. To make sure you avoid these on your interview day here is a run-through of what NOT to say…
First and foremost, never say you want to study a degree in order to make lots of money. Even though this may be the case, as after all who does not want to earn a lot of money, you should certainly never let this on to the interviewer. This is because they will get the impression that all you care about is money when really you should be displaying how passionate you are about the course.
If you are not entirely sure what you want to major in, do not merely state “I don’t have a clue”, you must elaborate and show that whilst you are not one hundred percent sure you have still considered various aspects and you have a general idea of what direction you are heading in.
Finally never say you are going for a course merely because your parents want you to do it as the interviewer will know you are not serious about the subject you are aiming to study.