3 Things You Need to Know Before Finishing College

Finishing college is always a stressful time. You have so many things to think about. There’s the current pressure of finals and exams to think about, but you’re also expected to start planning out your future. Here are a few tips to help you make some of those difficult decisions.

Finding a Job

You will have already made a few decisions that count towards your future, depending on what you’re studying. However, there’s still a vast amount of opportunities available to you. Sometimes the number of options can be overwhelming. It can be challenging to know precisely what you want to do. Remember this, you’re still young, and you can always change your mind further down the line.

You’re going to be doing the job you choose every day, so it needs to be something that interests you. Never decide on your career based on someone else’s suggestions or wants; it’s your life. While money is an important factor, don’t make your decision solely on that. If you have the opportunity to pursue something that you’re passionate about, even if it isn’t as well paid, that will probably give you a better life in the long term.

There can be a lot of pressure on you that makes you feel like you need to get a job as soon as you finish college. That’s not the case. There are so many other things you can be doing until you find the right thing for you. You might want to apply for some internships somewhere. This will allow you to gain real-world experience and can also help when you do apply for jobs as you know what it’s like to work at a particular company.

Filing your Taxes

This is an important one, as it’s something you may not have needed to think about before. If you’re earning any kind of wage, then you need to be organizing and paying your taxes. This is something that will depend on both your location and the job itself.

Different states have different laws and regulations regarding taxes, and various companies have individual systems that differ in how you need to pay them. Make sure you look into precisely what you need to be paying.

It’s also important to look at how you can do your tax returns. You don’t want to miss out on money that you could have claimed back! This will again be individual to your particular situation, so make yourself aware of what you should do.

If you’re starting a job in a different county, state, or country, you will need to be aware of how your taxes work in that area. You may want to investigate things such as Voluntary Disclosure, or how to pay to the state where you have residency.

Saving for the Future

It can be exciting to start earning a proper wage. Don’t feel the need to spend it all at once. If you’re making more money than you need for everyday living, then that’s great. It will be so useful for you in the future if you can put away a small amount of your salary each month. You’ll be surprised how quickly it will start to mount up.

A tip to save something extra is to use some kind of spending app. There are several free ones available, so find an interface that you like. Putting all of your spendings into the app is a great way to keep track of all your expenses and stick to a budget. Most of them will also give you the option to see a chart, giving you an idea of where most of your money is going.


Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed at this crucial time. Investigate everything so you can make informed decisions, but don’t rush into anything. This is a big time for you, so you need to try and keep a clear head. Make sure that you’re making what you feel is the best choice for you.

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