Wheelchair-Friendly College Campuses Across The Globe

College/university is an unforgettable experience, allowing you to meet completely new people and study towards a degree in a subject that you feel passionate about, and there’s no reason as to why this should this be different for individuals who require a wheelchair. The world has already adapted massively to individuals suffering from a disability, from mobility scooters for better navigation, to wheelchair access vehicles for sale commercially to provide these people with the freedom that they deserve. To round off the entire package though, it’s important that you visit a college campus that accommodates for those with a disability, but where do you start?

Edinboro University, Pennsylvania

Edinboro University has a stunning college campus, but luckily they don’t compromise on the practicality of it for the sheer beauty of it. Instead, this campus boasts numerous accessibility features in order to ensure that those within a wheelchair can navigate themselves between lectures with ease. Granted, the cold, snowy winters that this American state receives can pose as a challenge for disabled students, however their exceptional programs such as Assistive Technology and their Life Skills Centre definitely make up for this, offering students with disabilities a breadth of information to help them in the future.

Coventry University, UK

In 2017, this college campus was joint 3rd for the Top 5 universities for student satisfaction, and we’re almost certain that a large portion of this is down to the wheelchair-friendly facilities that they have on site for those who need them. Every course within the university is highly flexible and affordable for students, meaning that those suffering with a disability can have the support and same opportunities as others around them. More often than not, graduates, either disabled or not, leave this university feeling highly confident and ready for their journey ahead.

Oxford, Ohio

If you’re someone who takes a great pride in the arts, Oxford University in Ohio could be ideal for you. Here, you have access to a very affordable liberal arts institution, offering numerous academic offerings such as the legal philosophical, social and artistic elements of a disabled society. In fact, this university doesn’t only work to make students feel more comfortable and supported, but also ensures that non-disabled students are understanding of others, with subjects in sign-language being available here. Either way, no matter what your career choice is, you can rest assured that Oxford will be able to accommodate for your needs.

St. Paul, Minnesota

The university of St. Paul is visually stunning, however you can expect to find numerous wheelchair-friendly facilities here, as they care deeply about their disabled students and will offer numerous subjects and services in order to make life easier for them. Here, the disability studies is a 20-credit program, which aims to provide worthwhile supplement to other degree areas, with disability studies include topics such as aging and disability, disability rights and many more. Therefore, similar to Oxford, this college campus doesn’t only work to ensure that disabled students can have an equal experience, but also ensures that others are aware of their struggles and requirements.

Having wheelchair-friendly facilities at a college campus is essential in order to employ an equal, indiscriminative community. Luckily, there are wheelchair-friendly college campuses all around the globe, offering wheelchair-friendly facilities as well as courses in order to raise awareness of disabilities and to educate others about how they should be treating these individuals.

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