5 Tips That Will Bring You Up to Date With The Ever Shifting Job Markets

Factors That Make It Difficult For Graduates To Get Their First Jobs

No matter how we want every graduating student to land a job as soon as they leave the campus, that’s a utopian scenario that is extremely difficult to pull off. There are a lot of reasons why a lot of graduates are facing a giant boulder in getting into companies.

One of these factors is the readiness of the fresh graduate to start work on day one. A 2015 survey revealed that new graduates have difficulty getting hired because employers don’t think that they have enough skills in problem solving and critical analysis.

Meanwhile, some experts believe that it’s not really the fault of the graduates, but rather the system itself. It seems that there’s a growing gap between the needs of employers and the output of schools and universities.

Despite these factors – and believe me, there are a lot more – graduates can find solace in the fact that they can do something about their lack of abilities so that they can increase their likelihood of getting that dream job.

5 Tips To Keep Up With Job Opportunity Trends

If you’re a recent graduate currently looking for work, here are some techniques to boost your chances of getting your job application approved:

  1. Craft a killer resume

Knowing how to write your first resume can immediately bring the attention of employers and HR practitioners to you.

The good thing is that you can use readily available resume templates and samples from online sources, some of which carry over 17,000 resume samples. One of these thousands of templates is bound to fit your style and the job that you’re applying for.

  1. Write keyword-rich application documents

More companies are now using digital applicant tracking systems, which goes through the content of resumes and other application documents to find keywords relevant to the job position. When making your resume, make sure that you use keywords that are directly applicable to the position that you’re applying for.

Studying about applicant tracking systems can increase the odds of landing a job interview.

  1. Use the power of referrals

LinkedIn has a built-in referral system that allows people to refer you to companies for specific skills. This works amazingly well when the referral comes from a person either inside the company or working in a reputable firm. When this happens, your application shoots up to the top priority list of the company’s HR.

  1. Study the company that you’re applying for

One of the early questions that employers ask is what the applicant knows about the company. If you don’t know how to answer this question – which many business owners believe should be basic information – there’s a high chance that your application will be declined.

Fortunately, most companies are searchable online. All you need to do is spend a few minutes studying about the company that you’re applying to.

  1. Apply online

Although some local startup companies start from humble beginnings, many of them have already integrated online communication and cloud systems to run their respective businesses. The same is true with promoting job openings and accepting applications: most of these things may be done online for the sake of convenience.

If you want to rise above other applicants, follow the online path and send in your applications through email, private message, or the company website’s contact page.

Whatever the job opportunity is, knowing a tip or two to bring you up to speed with the fluctuating job market can already increase your likelihood of being employed. So go out there, look for that dream job, ready your resume, and prepare to get hired fast!

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