As advertising gets smarter, it is vital to be able to easily weed through the unhelpful links and discover the quality content. The solution to this problem is Knowtro, a clutch platform strictly built of peer-reviewed information. Through Knowtro, I can search personal, professional or school related topics and feel much more satisfied with the answers I find.
Not only will Knowtro efficiently answer your preliminary question, but it will go deeper and provide further insights on your thesis. For example, if you research the term technology, you will learn about the impacts technology has on society like ‘compulsive smartphone use’, ‘gaming’, ‘sexting’, ‘Facebook jealousy’, and so much more. There is literally a college library at your fingertips.
I tested this research tool by comparing search results between Google and Knowtro.
Here is what I discovered while researching all about the concept of sexuality and how to improve work-life balance:
Topic 1: All about the concept of sexuality.
Top Google Results:
- “Fox News anchor Shepard Smith opens up on sexuality” (Good for him, but not my research paper)
- “Why Pop Culture Just Can’t Deal With Black Male Sexuality”
- “Are You Straight, Gay, or Just…You?”
Top Knowtro Results:
- Couple’s health status increases with frequency of sex – Married Individuals by 36%
- Sexual Satisfaction increases with Sexual Perfectionism – Self-Oriented by 20%
- Sexual Anxiety increases with Sexual Perfectionism – Socially Prescribed by 28%

Topic 2: Improving Work-Life Balance
Top Google Results:
- Work-Life Balance Defined –
- The Six Components of Work-Life Balance
Top Knowtro Results:
- Team workplace friendship decreases likelihood of job burnout by 74%
- Job Crafting behavior increases work-life enrichment – 1 Month Later by 52%
Google’s results just touch the surface of a topic while Knowtro’s digs to the root of a topic.
For instance, while conducting the work-life balance search, Google simply provided obvious definitions of work-life balance or an opinion piece on the significance of work-life balance. With the same search, the results on Knowtro provided studies with cited sources that explained ways to improve work-life balance- information that is much more powerful.
To further explain what Knowtro offers within each publication, let’s review the work-life balance example in more detail. Within each publication on Knowtro you will learn about a wide array of factors that relate to a particular topic. For example, the work-life balance publication I found comprised of insightful subtopics like Job Crafting and Perceived Employability.
All publications will also mention the measurement instruments used to formulate conclusions, the strategy of analysis and charts illustrating results. Basically, Knowtro organizes all the pertinent information to make your research paper or presentation impressive.
Browse through a few more Knowtro findings to get familiar with what this research tool offers.
While researching entrepreneurial best practices, I discovered that the more effort you put toward becoming an entrepreneur the more entrepreneurial passion you will have.
Next, I looked into music’s impact on society. I found that the more music training you have the more open you are to new experiences, hence music spurs adventures and potentially discoveries.
Lastly, I researched how to improve motivation in the workplace. I learned about the concept of Intrinsic Motivation and how it improves creativity.
Stay stimulated by diving into Knowtro’s sound research publications that help guide your life and research in the right direction. Try Knowtro out yourself by clicking here.
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