NowLearning Wants You to Win Big With Your Student Story!

If school supplies, required reading, and back to school outfits are taking a hefty bite out of your tight student budget, listen up! Australian education website NowLearning is willing to pay for the best student stories. You can click here for the full contest description and rules.

This competition is open to anyone, but if you’re still under 18 you’ll need to get parent or guardian consent first.

medium_4612732045So what type of stories are they looking for? The sky’s the limit, provided that it’s related to your experience as a student. Many of us have life-changing experiences during our campus days, learning new things and meeting new people. Did you have a funny experience getting lost on campus on your first day? Have you encountered any unique characters in your courses? Have you had epic nights out with your fellow students? Whether your stories are sad, funny, or downright odd, they may fit the bill. Just be sure that the story is true, unique, and worth sharing.

In addition to the glory of being chosen as winner, there are cash prizes at stake here.

The grand prize is a $400 Amazon gift card, with second prize winning $200 and third place taking $100. Just think about all of the textbooks and dorm accessories you could buy with that! The deadline is September 8th, so start brainstorming and get ready to share your tale with the world.

For full contest details and to enter be sure to visit the link below!

NowLearning Back to School Contest


photo credit: nathmart via photopin cc
photo credit: ralph and jenny via photopin cc

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