Job Hunting Tips: How To Make Your Resume Standout

It can be a challenge to put together a resume when you are a college student who most likely does not have much work experience.

There are ways to get around this problem. Sure, you may not have years and years of work experience, but you most likely do have some. Plus, you are most likely gaining new skills while in college.

job hunting
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

Here are ways to make your resume standout:

1. Highlight Skills

If you do not have a lot of work experience, then place your skills on the top of your resume. After all, employers are most interested in what you can do for the company and whether or not your skills match the job description. You can relate this back to your education and what you have learned so far.

2. Add a portfolio or blog link

Employers like to get to know their applicants before hiring them. A portfolio is a great way to showcase work while showing a little personality with an About Me page. A blog is also an opportunity to help employers get to know you.

3. Include Volunteer Work

Volunteer work looks great on a resume. If you have volunteered, remember to include it. If you do not have any volunteer experience to list, now may be the time to start volunteering to help build your resume. Contact your campus’s volunteer center to see what’s available in your area.

4. Add Honors and Awards

Since you are still in college or have recently graduated, you can add college honors or awards. Of course, five years from now it may not make sense to do this, but for now, add any scholarships, honors or awards you received in college. It adds to your resume and shows you are a hard working student.

It can be a challenge to make a resume stand out when you are just starting a career. These tips will help. Also, always have someone look over your resume before sending it out to employers. Even the tiniest typo or spelling error can make a difference in whether or not the employer decides to follow up on your application.

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