Marshall Duke – professor of Psychology at Emory University – recently gave a speech at orientation to parents on how to become a better parent to your student while they are away at school. In his address, he outlined 9 tips that will help young adults develop independently while still having a loving, supportive structure from their parents.
The tips highlight the pressure that can come as a result of having your children out of the house consistently for the first time in their lives. It is understandable that, as parents, the worry will take over and you might feel the need to keep a constant eye on all of the activities of your new college student. However, doing so can be more of a detriment than good and can push your blossoming young adult away.
It is important to let your child discover certain life lessons on their own and not have outlandish expectations.
Adapting to life in a new, high-pressure, environment can be difficult and stressful. In a recent feature The Washington Post outlined 5 tips from Duke who has been assuring parents for more than 30 years.
Check out the complete list of tips by clicking here.