In college, you hear about themes for parties that often sound absurd.
Many themes leave you with no idea of what to wear or expect. Sometimes the name gives it away, other times it can be more cryptic.
Here are some descriptions of the most popular parties on campus and how to prepare for them!
1. The ABC Party
Otherwise known as the “Anything But Clothes,” party, these events allow you to get creative. The basic concept is to construct an outfit out of things that would not usually be worn.
Duct tape and saran wrap are fun, staple pieces for these parties, since they both come in all different colors and sometimes designs. The most common technique is to use the tape to shape trash bags into shirts or skirts or wrap the saran wrap around one’s body for a form-fitting outfit.

A twist on the traditional duct tape/saran wrap ensemble is adding a layer of bubble wrap atop of everything to take your outfit to the next level.
You will make many friends who want to relive their childhood and hear the popping noise when the bubbles burst.
2. The Wet ‘n’ Wild Party
If you are going to a Wet ‘n’ Wild Party, you better be in a playful mood. It is not the proper time to be uptight, when there are slip ‘n’ slides and water guns surrounding you. If you are going to wear a bathing suit, be aware of possible wardrobe malfunctions.
There may be bubbles or some form of foam so don’t bother spending hours on your hair. Definitely bring a towel on these nights, because you will get cold after awhile.
You might even want a bathing suit to wear to this party, so what better time than to pick up a new one today? Check out
for the hottest swimwear this season!
3. The Body Paint Party
The most exciting college parties are usually the messiest.
Need something to wear to one of these parties? You’ll need some special clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty, so check out
for all your party clothing needs!
Do not wear your nice clothes here!
Tank tops and shorts usually work best. The goal of the guests is to cover each other with as much multicolor paint as possible.
Nothing is off limits at this party, so do not be surprised when you are still finding paint in your ears and hair three days later.
And do not forget to shower before going to sleep, your sheets will appreciate it.