Spring break is here for many colleges all across America, meaning college students will now have a massive amount of free time to sit in front of their TV all day.
Instead of watching yet another cycle of America’s Next Top Model or wasting big bucks to see Battle: LA (because, let’s face it, there are so many other aliens-take-over-the-planet movies are there), why don’t you pop in a nice, quality film like the ones below?
Sure, it takes place during WWII and it’s in Morocco, but a little historical or geographical knowledge is needed to appreciate how powerful this film is.
The themes of sacrifice and valor still hold true to audiences today. The dialogue is witty. The actors are perfectly cast (I mean, it is Humphrey Bogart).
In short, even though this film was made in the 40s, it still resonates with a modern audience.
It’s also in black and white and I feel much smarter/classier/cooler when I watch films in black and white.
American Beauty
Aside from the xylophone-centric soundtrack, the best part of this movie is Kevin Spacey. Playing a man who cycles through his mid-life crisis once he becomes obsessed with his teenage daughter’s best friend, Spacey juxtaposes the ridiculous, juvenile extremes his character takes with the intelligence and pathos of a man far beyond his years (something that won him the Best Actor Oscar in 1999).
Finally, the movie will make you want to live a more meaningful life, which is something I always find helpful.
Snakes on a Plane
Okay, so I lied when I said above that all the films were going to be quality. But LOOK AT THIS PLOT SUMMARY!