Make A Difference In Young Lives: Teach for America!

Looking to make a difference in today’s youth after graduation?

Teaching may be a profession for you. Teach for America is a non-profit organization that employs interested college graduates to teach in low-income regions in the United States.

The organization began as a mere senior thesis in 1989 by Princeton’s graduate, Wendy Kopp. Kopp believed in bridging the gap between low-income families and education. In 1990, Teach for America emerged, in which it has become very popular amongst graduates.


Teach for America was originally established in six regions, but since its establishment, it now serves 39 regions in the United States.

Some major cities include Atlanta, the Bay Area, Chicago, Miami, and New York. They even offer their program in Hawaii. However, they are in critical need for entrepreneurial graduates in the Mississippi Delta because the area is in great need for teachers.

Not a teacher?

Not a problem! Teach for America accepts all students from all academic majors. So no matter your major, they can help you earn your teaching certificate in order to teach.

Rigorous training is required to prepare teachers-to-be for their success as professional teachers. They also offer online support.


If you’re interested in Teach for America, find out who your local recruiter is at your school. They can help you with your questions, comments and concerns on the program.

For more information, visit, and learn if teaching really is for you.

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