Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s) have been around since 1837, the first one being Cheney University in Pennsylvania.
Today there are 105 Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the United States. A lot of people questions whether they’re necessary or not, but these colleges and universities have done great things for the African American community.
While HBCU’s only make up 3% of the college institutions in the United States, 75% more African Americans graduate from an HBCU than any other school, and over half of America’s African American professionals have graduated from an HBCU.

Having personal experience attending an HBCU (Florida A&M University) I believe that it has it’s benefits and it’s shortcomings.
At my university, you have to take certain perquisites involving African American culture in order to get into the classes with your major; classes such African American History or African American Novel. The learning experience is slightly different from a regular college.
One of the things I absolutely love about my school is the culture that it has, even though it’s a Black College there are still so many ethnicities and backgrounds, which means the schools are not only beneficial to African Americans, but are a way for many cultures and ethnicities to blend and learn together.
The spirit that we have at my university is amazing. Attending this school is like being in a family; we lean together during crisis and celebrate during success. It’s easy to feel a part of a community when you are with so many others with which you have something in common with.
I don’t know if I would go so far as to say that HBCU’s are necessary, but they have given major advantages to African American students and I for one am happy I am attending an HBCU.