Adapting to life at college just got a little bit easier.
Some of the nation’s premiere universities have begun to adopt pet therapy programs where students are granted access to puppies in hopes of easing stress.
In addition to complementary laptops, cleaning services, rock climbing walls, and security systems, top colleges are adding canine companionship to the list.
Harvard University has brought aboard Cooper, an energetic Shih Tzu that is available to students two days a week. Complete with his own reservation page on the library website, Cooper provides some of the nation’s most stressed out students with unconditional love just as the family pet would, despite being miles away from home. In describing the pint size pooch, Cooper’s owner notes:
He enjoys fetching his squeaky toys and stuffed animals, as well as a good game of tug. Should you have a good cry or even feign a whimper near Coop, you are guaranteed to get lots of kisses.
These ‘loaner puppies‘ are becoming quite popular at universities across the country.
Yale has brought aboard two of man’s best friend – Finn and Monty – while Tufts University, Virginia Tech, and Kent State University have also become keen to the trend.
According to USA Today,
An essay in the research journal College & Undergraduate Libraries states the following on the topic: ‘College students face many of the same issues as the elderly, such as living away from home, often leaving pets behind and adjusting to an impersonal institution.’ It continues, ‘Studies have shown that interacting with an unknown dog reduced blood pressure, lowered anxiety, and reduced self-reported depression among college students.’
Can ‘loaner puppies‘ provide a necessary remedy to already stressed out undergrads or are they just another distraction present to the everyday college student?
Let us know what you think.