Energizing Yourself Outside Of Your Studies

Everyone has their preferred method of relaxing and taking a load off. That might involve watching the latest movies at home, cooking simple but delicious home foods, even engaging in a creative hobby or sport.

In the midst of a college education, work can pile up and up. On top of that, you might also have a part-time job you have to keep up with in order to pay your daily expenses. For this reason, you might not feel as though you have enough time to truly rest, outside of sleeping. Put that together with the rigors of a social life, and sometimes even sleeping may feel like a luxury.

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For this reason, using what little free time you have for rest and relaxation can be important. This way, you can energize yourself correctly when you need that energy. Does this mean you should cram in three micro-naps a day, or keep up on a range of hobbies that help you manage your stress? Well, that all depends on your schedule, what your goals are, and how energetic you feel on a daily basis.

In this post, we’ll make three recommendations that should work for most people. Without further ado, let’s get going:

Mindfulness & Meditative Practice

There’s so much to focus on at university that it can feel dizzying. Sometimes, you don’t need an extra hobby to add to the noise more than you need to clear your mind outside of the comfort of sleep. Mindfulness can be a great method of doing that, as meditation gives you the peace to train your concentration and it absolutely leads to productive results, like lowered stress and the ability to think more clearly. Some even emulate these effects with good exercise like yoga or the best THCa flower.

Get Outside Where You Can

Study life tends to be quite interior-focused, be that completing projects in a large library, cramming in your dorm room, or simply spending time in your lecture theatre listening to professors. In the winter, that sense of damp warmth with the heating on can make you sleepy. That’s why it’s good to get out as much as you can, be that a midday walk when finding lunch, or a morning walk to wake you up for the day. It will give you fresh air, a sense of focus and energy, and that might be just what you need after sitting in a three-hour lecture space.

Nail Your Sleep Schedule

Sleep is important, of course, but it can be severely hampered during university life. This is true even if you’re not a huge fan of parties, as you’ll no doubt have friends or other responsibilities to keep up on. That’s why it’s good to head to bed at a similar time within a couple of hours each night, and try to work on your sleep environment. Comfortable bedsheets, clothes, a locked ventilation window (if it’s safe and you’re not on the ground floor) and even a white noise machine or gentle playlist playing from your phone can make a big difference in how much sleep you get.

With this advice, you’re sure to energize yourself outside of your studies, in the best possible way.

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