There’s a revolution going on at college campuses around the nation. The name? Quadzy.
Quadzy.com is a ground-breaking web service with the mission of creating an environment where students can communicate anything to their entire campus. It’s like Craigslist, only safer and fine-tuned to the needs of the everyday college student.
So how does it work?

Quadzy is an online “bulletin board” of sorts that focuses on passing communication regarding news, goods, and services to students at your school.
You can post an item for sale, offer services, or announce campus related news to fellow students around your college or university.
The kicker? Only students from your school can see your posts, forming a tight-knit and safe community as opposed to some of the other online services that operate in the same space.
Students register to Quadzy with their student (.edu) email address. Quadzy’s verification system confirms that the email is associated with a current university student, ensuring that only current students are able to use Quadzy’s services.
Once registered, there are 4 main posting areas to Quadzy’s system, students can post about:
Items: Students can buy/sell items via Quadzy by uploading posts and allowing fellow student body members to reach out to you either through email or Quadzy’s own messaging system. Whether you’re looking to sell last semester’s textbooks or a bike, Quadzy has you covered.
Services: Quadzy allows you to post services that you would like to offer to fellow classmates. Are you a math whiz and looking to tutor other students for some side cash? Perfect. Are you guitar ace or amateur chef? Offer guitar lessons or cooking classes to fellow students to help pad your pocketbook. All that you have to do is post your services on Quadzy and wait for the messages to roll in. It’s that simple.
Tasks: Tasks are essentially the opposite of services, and students request services through the tasks section. Are you looking for a study guide or tutor for that looming final next week? How about a ride to the airport to go home for winter break? Quadzy makes it easy and efficient to communicate your requests to your university, ensuring that your message will only go out to those who are able to help.
News: Quadzy’s news section allows you to share campus related announcements and event info to your entire school, helping you to get the word out about important campus events. Job fairs, on-campus concerts, and more – use Quadzy as your virtual bulletin board to get news out to your university.

Overall, Quadzy is the perfect answer to your everyday needs while at school.
Whereas websites and organizations like Craigslist operate in a similar space, they aren’t fine tuned to the needs of college students.
Also, organizations like Craigslist are barely monitored (if at all), providing a significant safety concern for some students.
The other major benefit of Quadzy is that it only communicates your needs or offerings to students at your university, eliminating a lot of the random calls and emails that you may receive through Craigslist and other websites.
Simplifying the process by only getting in touch with fellow students at your specific campus, Quadzy hones in on the market that truly matters to you.
Quadzy is currently online at 51 active schools, and they’re growing to serve more college campuses with each passing day. Quick, simple, safe, and effective – those are the hallmarks of Quadzy’s system.
If you’re looking to buy or sell items or services around your campus, check out Quadzy today!
photo credit: Room 115 schedule via photopin (license)
photo credit: ISC Orientation 1st Meeting Fall 2011 via photopin (license)
photo credit: Paying attention to detail via photopin (license)