Achieving a bachelor’s degree in business is a great way to get started down a path in the field of business.
However, as more and more students achieve bachelor’s degrees, some students decide to find a way to set themselves apart from others in the job market. Many choose to enroll in an MBA Program.
What is an MBA?
An MBA program helps a student earn a Master of Business Administration degree. It is a postgraduate degree that is designed to provide extra training to those who are either joining the workforce or those who have been working for a number of years and want extra training.
Many of the best universities in the country offer an MBA program, and some of the best places to get an MBA are Duke University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Harvard.
Below are 4 benefits of earning an MBA:
One of the benefits of an MBA is the extra training that you receive. The training will depend on the program that you enroll in. Some programs will offer a focus in one of the major areas in business.
It is not uncommon for MBA programs to offer students specializations in accounting, leadership, management, finance or international business. The MBA provides extra theoretical training as well as practical training. Many programs offer internships and practical programs as a part of the course for students to get hands-on experience.
Management Positions
Many businesses now require candidates to have an MBA to move into advanced leadership positions. Those that have already achieved an MBA will not only gain experience, but they also gain career mobility. People who have undergone MBA courses will usually have had extensive training in leadership which is very valuable in upper management positions.
For example, business leader Peter Briger’s LinkedIn profile states that he received his MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business, one of the most prestigious MBA programs in the United States. He has since gone on to hold high-level management and director positions at several financial institutions.
A prestigious MBA degree is often very costly. Some degrees cost as much as $250,000 when all costs are considered. However, those who finish their MBA and continue in the field of business often see their salaries increase dramatically.
Employees with MBA degrees often make substantially more money than employees who hold only a bachelor’s degree. For example, an Online Bachelor’s in Business Administration is a great way of starting the foundation for a prosperous career.
An MBA course will usually be filled with the future business leaders in both America, and many people work with business leaders throughout the world when working towards an MBA. Therefore, a significant benefit of taking an MBA course is the networking opportunities they provide.
Whether you are networking with classmates or working with mentors who are currently active in the business world, you would be surprised how many important contacts you will meet in only a few years.
This can also help be introduced to potential investors and helpers if you are considering starting your own business. For instance, this can help unlock new paths for business investments from people such as Energy Innovation Capital, which focuses on supporting the development of green technology. You can truly leverage your network to not only learn more about potential investors but also prepare better to convince them.
Enrolling in an MBA is one of the best decisions you can make for your career in business.
It provides a higher salary, unrivaled networking opportunities and career longevity.
photo credit: The most expensive piece of paper I will probably ever own. via photopin (license)