Everyone could use extra cash. If you’re looking for a way to boost your income, consider these 5 unique ways to make money.
Walk Dogs in Your Neighborhood
Image via Flickr by Magnus Brath
If you enjoy taking long walks, then you could earn money by taking a few furry friends with you. Many people have busy careers that don’t give them much time to walk their dogs during the morning or evening hours. If you’re available, then you can earn extra income by becoming a dog walker.
To make this side business work, you’ll need attractive advertisements and references to build a client list. You should also consider taking a first aid class for canines.
Sell Items You Don’t Use
A yard sale can help you get rid of unwanted items taking up space in your home. But there’s no reason to limit yourself by selling products off your lawn. Use an online auction to get top dollar for bikes, vintage clothes, old computer equipment, and other items.
If you’re not using them, you might as well make some money.
You can even start a business by hunting for antiques and vintage clothes that you can re-sell at higher prices on your website.
Become a Tutor
If you excel in math, science, history, or other subjects, then you could earn money as a tutor. Depending on how much you know, you might want to focus on middle school, high school, or college students.
Contact the schools in your area to see if they can connect you with students who need help. Parents are often willing to pay $20 to $30 an hour for tutoring services.
Donate Your Eggs
Most healthy women under the age of 33 can make money by donating their eggs. Some agencies pay $10,000 or more. The egg donation process only takes a few months. During that time, you’ll get health checkups and might have to take hormones. Once you’re ready, a doctor extracts the egg through a minor surgery.
It’s one of the easiest ways to make that much money. Plus, you get to help a women struggling with infertility.
Use Your Special Talents
Put your talents to use by charging customers for the things you make. If you’ve been painting, drawing, or making other types of art for years, then you might want to open a storefront on Etsy.
If you’re a musician, look for gigs at local bars and restaurants. Whether you get paid a flat rate or through tips, you can pull in a decent amount on the nights you play.
Depending on where you live, you could even get a license to busk in certain areas. Playing on the street could bring in more money than paid gigs, especially if you get a spot with plenty of foot traffic.
What other unique ways can you think of to earn some extra money? Do you know of anyone who has turned a side project into a career?