Some people are stupid. You know this, right? I mean, all of us can think of a handful of dumb people in our lives. So, this post isn’t a lecture. It’s not a “don’t do this”, warning post.
What we have here today is simply you, me and countless others laughing at someone’s stupid use of social media.
I’ve been finding myself on a lot these days and sometime last week, I came across this excruciatingly beautiful Facebook failure. Check out the image below… I’ll dig into poor Lindsay under the picture…

Poor stupid Lindsay, you’ve given me so much material to play with here. I don’t even know where or how to begin, in fact I’m kind of disappointed in myself (sigh). When all else fails, I turn to lists. Here is the “Dumb Things That Lindsay Did” list.
- Dumb #1 – “OMG I HATE MY JOB!!” You never know who’s watching, so say only good things about your job on social media outlets.
- Dumb #2 – Attacking anyone through social media is dumb.
- Dumb #3 – Attacking your boss through social media is dumber.
- Dumb #4 – Forgetting your boss is a friend on Facebook and then doing Dumb #1 and Dumb #3 is the dumbest.
The big lesson? Set your privacy settings, please!
Save your work rants for the privacy of your home or REAL conversations with friends in private places. The last thing you want to do is lose your job over a stupid Facebook post or Tweet, how ridiculous does that sound?
What are your thoughts on Lindsay? Have you seen anyone else perform a similar act? Seriously, what’s going on with privacy on Facebook?
Pretend you’re the employer. How do you handle this situation? Do you override the decision to fire Lindsay? What about the manager? What do you do?
The post is old, very old, as in I was several years younger when the Facebook post was originally made.
So what? The message is still the same: be careful of what you post on your Facebook page. Just because the original post is older doesn’t mean people stop posting dumb stuff on their Facebook walls when they are in fact friends with their boss or coworkers.
Oh and Michael Jackson is dead. Did you know that?
No, thanks for catching me up.