
You can learn a lot about someone just by looking at their Facebook wall, but how much are we seeking to learn? How often are we stopping by on an individual’s wall? When does casual Facebook browsing become Facebook stalking? If you think you have a problem with Facebook stalking, find out the most common reasons for Facebook stalking and how you can curb your obsession.

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Do you find yourself spending an unhealthy amount of time on Facebook or social networking sites? Is your digital life becoming more important than your reality? Whether scientists and health professionals agree or not, Facebook CAN be addicting! Ask yourself 4 questions to find out how addicted you are to Facebook and how you may go about changing your addiction.

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facebook parents

Was Facebook your #1 website until your parents joined? What do you do now that your dad “liked” your status and commented on your pictures? Did your mom sit you down to “talk” about your inappropriate pictures? You’re not alone, read up on what to do if your parents friend you and how to respond when you see him/her on your newsfeed!

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